Who will Stand Up To America and Israel?”No countries on earth rival the US and Israel for barbaric murderous violence”

“Obama Calls on World to ‘Stand Up To’ North Korea” read the headline. The United States, Obama said, was determined to protect “the peace and security of the world.”

[…] Is this the same America that bombed Serbia, including Chinese diplomatic offices and civilian passenger trains, and pried Kosovo loose from Serbia and gave it to a gang of Muslin drug lords, lending them NATO troops to protect their operation?

Is this the same America that is responsible for approximately one million dead Iraqis, leaving orphans and widows everywhere and making refugees out of one-firth of the Iraqi population?

Is this the same America that blocked the rest of the world from condemning Israel for its murderous attack on Lebanese civilians in 2006 and on Gazans most recently, the same America that has covered up for Israel’s theft of Palestine over the past 60 years, a theft that has produced four million Palestinian refugees driven by Israeli violence and terror from their homes and villages?

Is this the same America that is conducting military exercises in former constituent parts of Russia and ringing Russia with missile bases?

Is this the same America that has bombed Afghanistan into rubble with massive civilian casualties?

Is this the same America that has started a horrific new war in Pakistan, a war that in its first few days has produced one million refugees?

“The peace and security of the world”? Whose world?  read article

3 responses to “Who will Stand Up To America and Israel?”No countries on earth rival the US and Israel for barbaric murderous violence”

  1. Geez. It would be nice if you bothered to understand the history of the region. It’s obvious that your sympathies are with the radical Muslims.

    • geez that is what the article is about confronting myopic apologists for a morally retarted USA and Israel. Obviously you sympathize with the torturers, rapists and sodomists.

  2. Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba described photos (that the Obama administration is fighting to keep secret), which allegedly depict U.S. personnel raping prisoners, other sexual assaults on prisoners with objects including a truncheon, wire and a phosphorescent tube. “These pictures show torture, abuse, rape and every indecency,” Taguba said.
    fma7-“Not only do we need to understand the unofficial history of the region, we need to understand the real motives and nature of these 2 culprits involved- USA and Israel.

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