What is Blair Complaining About?

I have two words for Mr. Blair and his phony outrage: Guantanamo Bay. He (and the prisoners) are lucky they weren’t detained by U.S. forces where:

1.) They would disappear into a legal black hole after being labelled “enemy combatants.” Up until the Military Commissions Act of 2006 which legalized torture, ended the guarantee to habeas corpus, kangaroo courts, and secret detetention, everyone detained in the so-called “War on Terror” has been subjected to this treatment by the U.S. military and intelligence agencies which is reminiscient of Hitler’s Germany or Stalin’s Russia.

2.) They would be sadistically tortured. Perhaps they would be subjected to beatings, water torture, forced to stay up for more than 24 hours at a time, force-fed when they went on hunger strike, and subjected to sexual and religious humiliation.

3.) They would “disappear” and not be allowed to communicate with their families, friends, or most of all, lawyers. After five, six, or seven years they would miraculously reappear and “confess” to committing acts of terrorism in a military tribunal instead of a court of law.

What Iran is doing – coerced statements and ridiculous TV “interviews” – to the British prisoners is positively humane by comparison. read more

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